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Faith In Action Tribe
Roles and Descriptions

“In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead…As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.”  James 2:17, 26

“Do not keep talking so proudly or let your mouth speak such arrogance, for the Lord is a God who knows, and by him deeds are weighed.”  1 Samuel 2:3

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”
Galatians 6:2

Volunteers Packing Food

Faith is the trusting commitment of one person to another, particularly of a person to God. Faith is the central concept of Christianity. One may be called a Christian only if one has faith.  

In the Old Testament faith is described as the “fear of God” (Gen 20:11; Ps 111:10; Ecc 12:13; Mal 4:2), and in terms of trust (2 Chr 20:20; Ps 4:5; Isa 26:4), and obedience (Ex 19:5; 1 Sam 15:22; Jer 7:23).   To accept the responsibilities of God’s covenant was to trust His word that He alone was God and to commit one’s life to His promises for the present and future. That is faith.

In the New Testament, the Greek noun, pistis (faith), is related to the verb pisteuo (I have faith, trust, believe). The noun and verb are found virtually everywhere in the New Testament, with the notable exception that the noun is absent altogether from John’s Gospel and occurs only once in 1 John.  

Outside the Gospels faith is related to the keynote concepts of the Christian message: the state of salvation (Eph 2:8-9), sanctification (Acts 26:18), purification (Acts 15:9), justification or imputed righteousness (Rom 4:5; 5:1; Gal 3:24), adoption as children of God (Gal 3:26).  Each of these comes by faith. As in the Gospels, faith is an attitude toward and relationship with God mediated by Christ Jesus. It is surrender to God’s gift of righteousness in Christ rather than seeking to achieve righteousness alone.
Faith is also called a fruit of the Holy Spirit (Gal 5:22)—something God creates in a person. In another place “faith” is used quite differently as a gift of the Holy Spirit that is given to some but not to others (1 Cor 12:8-9). Apparently, such special gifts of faith refer to the ability to do great acts for God, what Jesus called moving mountains (Mt 17:20; 1 Cor 13:2).  To have a right relation with God, it is necessary to “believe” that God is, that God has revealed Himself in Christ, and to accept that God accepts you.
Faith as the way to salvation; the concept of faith is primarily that of a personal relationship with God that determines the priorities of one’s life. This relationship is one of love that is built on trust and dependence. We receive it by trusting the saving work of Jesus. Faith is the basic Christian experience, the decision for Christ Jesus. It is the acceptance of Christ’s lordship (i.e., His God-given, absolute authority). In this sense faith is doubly a break from the past: it is one’s removal from sin, and it is one’s removal from all other religious allegiances (1 Thess 1:9). As a break from the past, faith is the beginning of relation to God and not an end. It is, especially in Paul’s letters, the inauguration of incorporation “in Christ,” in which one continues to grow and develop.    If faith is primarily a relationship into which one enters through acceptance of Jesus’ authority, it also includes a certain amount of “belief.” As a derived use, then, “faith” may also denote the content of what is believed. In this sense faith is the conviction that God acted in the history of Israel and “that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself” (2 Cor 5:19). 

Faith in Action Tribe is responsible for creating and developing programs both within and outside of our facilities that meet the heartbeat and inspiration of Jesus’ instructions, which is our mission statement to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe those in need, look after the sick, invite in strangers, visit the prisoners, and to look after the orphans and widows.

Proverbs 8.1-4, 22-31 speak volumes to this ministry.  We wring our hands and lament the state of the moral fiber in society.  We witness the travesties of those in power.  We watch the 1deterioration of our environment.  We feel powerless to stop a slide into paranoia.  “Where is wisdom?” we ask.  Wisdom has been with us since the creation of the earth!  Wisdom took delight in God’s world and among God’s people.  Has wisdom abandoned us?  It’s more likely that we have abandoned wisdom.  Wisdom requires discipline and determination.  Have we become so preoccupied with worldly affairs that we have adopted apathy over wisdom?  What are we going to do about that?  Wisdom’s cry is a needful cry.  This ministry has the unique opportunity to seize back wisdom and use it to God’s glory.

We don’t touch lives by telling others about Jesus – but by showing genuine love and compassion to them in their need.  Our hearts, mouths, and hands must be operating in perfect concert to accomplish the world-changing mission to which we have been called.  We must touch lives through the power of prayer.  The unified church represents a mighty tool of teaching, discipleship, and fellowship that calls the lost in and equips the saved.  Jesus physically touched people (Matthew 28.19-20).  The need to be touched hasn’t disappeared in the 2000 years since Jesus walked the earth.  Ministry requires our hands, not just our mouths.

Putting into action the servants’ heart of what we do can be an overwhelming task as diverse as every individual’s specific needs.  Take a look at John 21.1-19.  The call to discipleship is very special.  Three times Jesus asks Peter, three times Peter assures Jesus, and three times the Lord’s response, in essence, is “show me.”  Loving Christ in the quiet solitude of our hearts is only the beginning of what it means to be a Christian.  Genuine love shows itself in action.  Not just prayer, although prayer is vital for our communication with God.  Not just worship, although worship, too, is an important focusing of our love and adoration.  Not just communion, although it brings us close to the Savior who loves us enough to have given his own body and blood for us.

No, all these things are but preparations and foundations for the real work of discipleship.  We are called to love others as we love Christ; feeding the hungry, lifting the lowly and downtrodden, visiting the imprisoned, and sharing in every way the Christ who is the center of our love.  Is there something you can do for someone today?  When you do, see Christ in that person.  Always remember that witnessing often involves more listening than any other single thing.  This is the work of the
Faith in Action Tribe.  It is vital that care be taken to focus carefully, prioritizing and planning each and every program only as God leads and inspires.  Anticipation of growth and the recognition of potential limitations are essential prior to rolling out anything.

Faith in Action Tribe is structured as follows:

The Theophilus Center (Thih ahf' ih luhs) a name that means, “friend of God.” This is the person to whom the Books of Luke and Acts were written (Lk 1:3; Acts 1:1). However, his exact identity is unknown. Lover of God, the curious, the friend of God, are all Biblical definitions for the name Theophilus (Lk 1:3). This is the headquarters for the Faith in Action Tribe and its activities.  The Faith in Action Minister, Scribe, Temple Keeper, and Clerks work from the Center.  While this Tribe is volunteer driven, with volunteers running the various programs and services.  Each specific area is headed by a Team Leader, assisted by Clerks coordinating the various Team Members.  Everyone helping with each program must understand the full potential and commitment necessary for the program to succeed.  Each program and service will expose the human spirit of the participants, Sojourners, and surrounding community to the Gospel message of Jesus Christ by physically demonstrating His grace.  The Theophilus Center has a Ministry Hub designed with modular cubicles and workspace for each of the seven specific areas we minister to.  Meetings rooms and office support are in proximity.  God’s Word tells us that we each have all the resources we need at our disposal – more than enough to meet our needs - - and yet we are reluctant to act because we fear that we won’t have enough.  2 Corinthians 9:8 says we have everything we need – enough grace to do whatever God has called us to do - - whether it is to give money for the cause of the Gospel, or to give love to a difficult teenager, an indifferent neighbor, or an aging friend.

The Hub will work with all the other Tribes to develop ideas and reach out activities specific to that Tribe.  Some of the focus areas for development for each area of the Hub areas with Scriptural direction include:

Feed the Hungry: Dt 8:3; Job 22:6-9; Ps 23:5, 107:9, 146:7; Prov 6:30, 22:9, 25:21-22; Is 32:6, 58:7, 10; Ezek 18:7,9,16.

  • Breakfast pockets, Soup and a Sandwich, Lunch Bags – with a tract and invite to join us.

  • Drink and a Tract, at any location where people are gathered, offering a little refreshment and encouragement and the opportunity to have “living streams.”

  • Food and meals for the sick, elderly, unemployed, and homebound along with some quality visiting time – we even deliver!

  • Food Pantry and vouchers, not just a quick handout, but invitations to join us every step of the way.

  • “Stop in for a bite to eat” physically and spiritually.

  • Traveling communion for those who can’t get to church or haven’t desired to go to church.

  • Soup Kitchen – with inviting, warm decoration and friendly outreach. Why do we have to think of a soup kitchen as being in a dreary old basement with row after row of people sitting on old chairs at old tables?  Anything can be made to look pleasant, and with a little creativity and planning you could even have a Maitre’ de seating the guests.

  • Meals Ministry:  Keep a freezer which is stocked with a variety of casseroles, pasta dishes, desserts, vegetables, etc.  Quickly available should someone be ill, have an unexpected hospital trip, or any other sudden emergency where a meal ready to be re-heated would be a welcome bit of help.

Give Drink to the Thirsty: Job 22:6-9; Ps 42:2, 107:9; Prov 25:21,25; Is 32:6, 41:17; Mt 5:6, 10:42; John 6:35; Rom12:20;2Cor 11:27; Rev 7:16

  • Bible Studies/Discussions, cups of living water available for everyone from the curious to the scholar.  New, never exposed, or even non-believers who have little experience with or any exposure to the Bible can be introduced.  Participants may be from a variety of denominations or from completely different beliefs, cults, and sects.  Perhaps some need to be taught how to study from the Bible.  Maybe they believe but aren’t sure of the foundation of faith: how to study, how to cross-reference, and how to use the Bible to determine and use the principles presented in it.  Still others may be looking for some real meat.

  • Works with Naomi’s Beth Pelet on crisis pregnancy intervention, providing alternatives to abortion for those who find themselves in an unwanted pregnancy situation.  Support, training, and counseling for the mom and the dad as well as their respective families.

  • Neighborhood groups meet in homes for both support, prayer, and study.

  • Greet and Meet the Neighborhood program offering services and encouragement to our neighbors.

  • Wednesday night Praise Service, a time of testimony, and good old hymn sings (both new and old).

  • Tent Revivals right back into the areas where they are needed the most.

Invite in Strangers: Gen 18:4-5; Dt 10:18, 24:17,19, 26:12; 1 Sam 25:8; 2 Sam 9:7-8; Ps 23:5, 146:9; Is 58:7; Jer 22:3; Heb 13:2

  • “Faith in Action Program,” bringing people together to help others in need.  Whether the project is simple or complex, a crew of volunteers is sent in to do painting, housecleaning, plumbing, electrical, handy-man projects, building wheelchair ramps or correcting code violations; helping someone who can’t is the idea.  

  • Adopt a…child, friend, family, or grandparent programs, effective ways of connecting people.  Jochebed in Exodus 6:20; Hebrews 11:23. Cloth or blanket a person with friendship.  Careful screening needs to be done, but this is a powerful way of connecting people.  It can involve anything from meeting together once a week to having the person or family move in for a time.  Both short- and long-term commitments are possible.  Could involve eating, fellowshipping, shared hobbies, and hugging.  My include the homeless, newly divorced, crisis pregnancy teen Mom, the college kid away from home, a former inmate, family members of an inmate, in-trouble (crisis) youth, runaways, latchkey kids, someone who is laid off, a recovering dependent, the terminally ill, newly widowed, etc., etc.  The potential and possibilities are endless.  The goal and the desire is to reach out with the love of Christ to serve others, relying on God’s grace and direction to bring out the adoptee’s strengths and build up their self-image.

  • Emergency Shelter for those who are suddenly without a place to stay.

  • Run-away Center for those who need a safe place to sleep, clean-up and hangout.

  • Temporary Refuge from crisis situations due to family situations.

Clothe Those in Need: Job 22:6-9; Is 58:7, 61:10; Ezek 18:7, 9, 16; Rom 13:14; 2 Cor 11:27; Gal 3:26-27

  • Second-hand, almost new shop with vouchers (offering not just clothing but armor!).

  • Clothing Pantry and vouchers, not just handouts but reach outs to those who need help in taking care of themselves.

Look After the Sick: Is 58:10, 61:1; Jer 17:14; Ezek 34:4.10; John 9:3-5; Rom 12:12; James 5:14-15

  • Hospital and home visits with cheerful greetings and sympathetic ears.

  • Housekeeping and care services for those who are temporarily or permanently unable to do some of the basic things for themselves.

  • Visiting nurse/friend to check up on the homebound or those recovering from recent illness or hospital stays.

  • Meal and food programs for those who are unable to prepare meals for themselves.

  • Emergency situation preparedness for sending food and someone to watch over a home or even babysit in the case of medical emergencies, or funerals.

Visit the Prisoners: Is 61:1; Ps 146:7; Lk 4:18; Heb 13:3

  • Family Outreach – visits, studies, support groups, assistance getting to prisons, and other facility programs available to families and friends of those who are incarcerated.

  • In-Prison Programs – letters, visits, special snacks, care packages, concerts, worship services, studies, seminars, whatever will is possible for those who find themselves behind local, county, state, and/or federal prisons.

  • “Discover Jesus” weekends – for both inmates and their families.  A special weekend seminar designed to encourage and challenge both those who are incarcerated and those who find themselves with loved ones who are incarcerated.

  • Release Assistance – making programs, sponsors, after-care needs available to those who are leaving the system and need assistance in rejoining society while staying away from trouble and return to the “old ways.”

Look After the Widows and Orphans: James 1:27; Ex 22:22-23; Dt 10:18, 24:17,19, 26:12; Job 22:6-9; Ps 82:3-4, 146:9; Is 1:17; Jer 5:26-29, 22:3; Zech 6:9-10; 1 Tim 5:3-4, 9-10

  • Adoption/foster care services through agencies on site.

  • Works with Naomi’s Beth Pelet on crisis pregnancy intervention, providing alternatives to abortion for those who find themselves in an unwanted pregnancy situation.  Support, training, and counseling for the mom and the dad as well as their respective families.

  • Time of Need assistance – food, visits, temporary live-ins, grief mentoring, for those going through a death in the family, especially those who have lost loved ones in a violent situation.

  • In dealing with the widows and widowers it is essential not to pile them into a lot of groups together.  A support group can be helpful but introducing them to mixed groups of people for socializing and encouraging is far superior – they need to feel that they are still very much needed and welcome.  Integrate, don’t segregate.

Agape Chamber the KJV uses the word “charity” instead of “love” to translate the Greek word Paul used (agape). The agape of the NT has nothing to do with the idea of physical pleasure or satisfaction.  The plural form: Agapae was a simple meal of brotherly love celebrated daily in the apostolic times.  Apparently, the Lord’s Supper and the Agape were originally one (1 Cor 11:17-34).  Chamber is an English translation of at least seven Hebrew words referring to a portion of a house or building that included sleeping quarters (2 Kings 6:12); bathroom (Jud 3:24); private inner room reserved for a bride (Jud 15:1; Joel 2:16); private, personal cubicle in the Temple furnished with benches (1 Sam 9:22; 2 Kings 23:11); storage rooms (Neh 12:44); a cool upper room built on the roof (Jud 3:20) or over the city gate (2 Sam 18:33); and the ribs or beams forming side rooms in the Temple (1 Kings 7:3). Therefore, the Agape Chamber is a place within the Theophilus Center for guests and staff to relax, take a break, and have a bite to eat.

Colonnade of Ancestors in the time of Christ on earth, a colonnade was a porch along the inner side of the wall enclosing the outer court.  Solomon’s Colonnade is the most mentioned in the Bible (John 3:11; 5:12; 10:23; Acts 2:46; 3.11; 5:12) and had rows of 27-foot-high stone columns supporting a roof of cedar.   When it comes to looking up ancestors, the Bible’s Roll Call of Faith in Hebrews 11 makes it very easy.  The Colonnade is used as a way to teach by paying tribute to those found in the “Roll Call of Faith” in Hebrews 11, along with many of the major and minor Biblical prophets. The Colonnade serves as a gathering spot, a meeting place (John 4.24 [notes] and Lk 4.16) for many who come to visit our facility.  Not only do visitors get to learn more about our forefathers, but they can also view a gallery that displays of art mediums created by Sojourners, staff, and local artists.  The Colonnade is yet another way of promoting learning while encouraging fellowship.

Good News Teen Center over 20,000 square feet of safe space where teens can hang out.  Included in the Center is a comfortable area where any teen can go to get help with schoolwork, or simply study.  Teens at the Center have their own rec area where they can play any number of physical games.  Of course, there is also an area for team gaming.  But the highlight must be a huge laser tag area that is ever-changing providing hours of safe, fun-filled recreation.       
Genesis Vittles the origin or mode of formation of something. Vittles is a colloquial word for food; edible provisions. Usually referring to snack foods. This is an area for just chilling with friends, meeting new friends and/or enjoying a snack while at the Good News Teen Center.  

Solid Rock Kids Area is an area in our facilities set as a safe place for grade school aged children to go where they can get help with schoolwork, play games, have a meal, and generally just be a kid.  It is the goal of this area to teach children that there is more to do than just sit around using their phones or watching TV.  A phenomenal Safari Adventures Area has ever-changing obstacle courses, imagination areas, and craft areas all geared to teach children that there are all kinds of possibilities of things for them to do in this world.

Jerusalem Cookshack Jeru Salem - Salem means peace. A cookshack is quite literally a shack used for cooking and so provides healthy snacks to all the Solid Rock Kids.  But more importantly, it also provides meals for any of the kids who might otherwise go hungry.  

Stop the Pimp the pimp is the person who markets prostitutes and engages in human trafficking, brokering the sexual favors of men or women for profit. This program is aimed at human trafficking. The offices of Stop the Pimp can’t stop the professional in management of prostitutes and other human traffickers directly, but it can provide protection, instruction, and manage ways to protect and rescue those who are trapped in the business.  To that end, Stop the Pimp has a reception area and private conference area with offices assigned to:  Awareness/Prevention, with an HT Awareness Officer responsible for getting the word out to the public, churches, other ministries, retail stores and more to educate the community about what to look for, and the kind of suspicious activity they should be aware of.  The next step is to engage those same people to report suspicious activity.  Human Traffic Rescue coordinates targeting specific trouble areas, blanketing them in prayer and sending volunteers to the area to reach out and inform the neighborhood what they can do to stop the trafficking in their area.  Human Traffic Help Hotline staffed by volunteers who take anonymous calls, text messages, and emails reporting trafficking activity in neighborhoods and answer general questions about how to identify trafficking activity.  This is also coordinated through our website.

Never-Ending Grace International Ministries focuses on identifying areas of the world where reach out is critical and then focuses on sending trained teams into those areas.  We reach the world with the love of Jesus one area at a time.

Jericho Troops (Jee rih' koh) is one of the oldest cities in the world, with recorded history going back to over 7000 B.C. and the first city Israel conquered under Joshua. Jericho could be called “City of Palms” (Dt 34:3; Judg 1:16; 3:3; 2 Chron 28:15) and has plenty of palm trees today.   

Our Jericho Troops are the seasoned adults who share their rich knowledge, talents, and experience warmly with others.  This program is designed to utilize the experience and talents of the seasoned community, affectionately known as Methuselah’s Gang (Mih thuh' seh luh). He was a son of Enoch (who walked with God) and the grandfather of Noah (Gen 5:21, 25-29). According to the Biblical record, Methuselah is the oldest human ever, dying at age 969 (Gen 5:27).   Jericho Troops works to benefit those younger and in much need of the practical knowledge that seasoned adults have to offer.  These folks can be pure gold (Proverbs 13:22; 16:31) and have a host of lifetime experiences to share, quite willingly, with others.  The Sergeant coordinates and oversees this program and must be sensitive to time restraints and some of the needs of each Jericho Troop Member.  Things may take a little longer, and activities may need to be structured for shorter periods of time.  The Sergeant also supervises the Heliopolis Meeting Room (Hee lih ahp' uh lihs), the Greek name for the Egyptian city of On, meaning “city of the sun” or Beth Shemesh in Hebrew. The city is a very old and holy city with a learned school of priests.  Heliopolis is the activity and meeting room for Methuselah’s Gang.  Seasoned adults from throughout the community are encouraged to come here and participate, while also having the benefit of Manoah’s Chophouse (Muh noh' uh) means “rest.” Manoah was a member of the tribe of Dan and the father of Samson (Judg 13). He was a trustworthy parent, rearing Samson according to instructions. A Chophouse is a restaurant that specializes in steaks, chops, and similar fare. Manoah’s is where the seasoned folks can have something to eat while participating in programs and activities.

Jonathan’s Team (Jahn' uh thuhn) means, “Yahweh gave.” While there are several mentioned in the Bible, we are focusing on Jonathan who was the eldest son of King Saul (1 Sam 14:49).  He had a son, Mephibosheth.  Jonathan possessed courage, fidelity, and above all friendship. He led 1,000 soldiers to defeat the Philistines at Geba (Gibeah) (1 Sam 13:2-3).  The next four accounts about Jonathan focus on his friendship with David.  They made a covenant with one another as Jonathan acknowledged David as the next king (23:16-18).  Jonathan’s love for David began the first day the two met after the killing of Goliath (1 Sam 18:1-4), and it remained steadfast despite Saul’s suggestion that David would someday be king; He exemplified all that is noblest in friendship – warmth, affectionate, unselfish, helpful, and loyal.  The team is led by the Team Director who serves as the volunteer coordinator, (this is separate from staff volunteers) for all the programs we use throughout our facilities.  Dubbed Minions (a seldom used term that denotes service work, or followers.)  A Minion is a highly favored person and is usually working in an organization. The Director recruits, encourages and trains the Minions, assigning them their tasks as the need arises within each of the various Tribes. There is nothing worse than an underused volunteer, and it is the job of the Director to see to it that this does not happen.  Careful monitoring and evaluation of all team members is essential to the growth of programs as well as the personal growth of the team member – key to the success of every program.  The friendship between Jonathan and David should serve as a model of the friendship we want the many volunteers who join Jonathan’s Team to show as they serve others.


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