Reaching Out
with the Love of Jesus
Healing & Fitness Tribe
Roles and Descriptions
“Stretch out your hand to heal and perform miraculous signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus.” Acts 4:30
“For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.” 1 Timothy 4:8
The Healing and Fitness Tribe is responsible for providing for the physical health of all the Sojourners and staff at our facilities. All our services, programs, and activities are also available to the public. This responsibility is tackled from two different directions: Beth Rapha oversees the providing of a state-of-the-art medical care primarily through the Gennesaret Medical Center. The other part of what the Tribe is responsible for comes through Hezekiah’s Tunnel which provides a wide range of physical and mental challenges at the facilities. Because the Sojourners are staying right on site, the opportunity exists to develop practices and patterns for channeling energy and relieving stress that will last a lifetime. Once a person has received and is in involved in on-going medical care, this Tribe must always be developing and implementing programs and activities to promote physical activity, proper body care, and challenges that foster creativity instead of the worldly need to compete to win. That is one of the biggest challenges this Tribe faces.
The Healing and Fitness Tribe is structured as follows:
Beth Rapha The name occurs only once in the Bible. It's most likely a village in the territory of Judah (1 Chronicles 4:11). The name Beth-rapha consists of two elements. The first part is identical to the common Hebrew word meaning house. The verb (rapa') means to heal or rather to restore or even repair. Rapha is most similar to the verb rapa', meaning to heal or make healthy, and a Hebrew audience would probably think that Beth-rapha means House of Healing. This is the headquarters for the Tribe with the Healing & Fitness Minister, Scribe, Medical Scribe, Templekeeper and Clerks handling all medical records for Sojourners and making any arrangements necessary for them to receive whatever medical care may be needed. Beth Rapha manages the following:
Gennesaret Medical Center Gennesaret means “well cared for” or “healing place.” In NT times the Sea of Galilee was also called the “Lake of Gennesaret.” Luke referred to it by that name in Luke 5:1; the Jewish historian Josephus always called it by that name. This sea is chiefly of interest due to the public ministry of our Lord. Matthew identifies Gennesaret as a place where many people brought all their sick to Jesus, and he healed them (Mt 14:35-36). Because of the large amount of healing Jesus did at Gennesaret, the Medical Center that provides health care for so many is named after Gennesaret. Because the medical field and medical practices in this country continue to change and seem to be focusing on profit rather than total healing of the individual, we have chosen to create and run the kind of high-quality medical facility that is truly needed. A Medical Director and Medical Office Manager will organize and manage the staff necessary to provide diagnostic evaluation, care, and treatment for our patients. The Gennesaret Medical Center will provide internal medicine, pediatric care, a full-service pharmacy, holistic services, physical therapy, chiropractic care, mental health services, as well as gifted and trained healing and deliverance teams in addition to preventative counseling to all our Sojourners, staff, and individuals and families from the surrounding community. Gennesaret Medical Center is fully equipped with doctors’ offices, exam rooms, nurses’ stations, work areas, a laboratory, x-ray, minor surgical suites, stress and cardio testing as well as other specialty treatment rooms. The Gennesaret Medical Center will have a state-of-the-art group of Physical Therapists and Sports Medicine professionals capable of reaching out to those in need including sports professionals. Gennesaret Medical Center embraces holistic treatment and always emphasizes prayer as part of treatment using trained and licensed medical professionals. The Gennesaret Medical Center will also provide dental and hygiene care and optical care led by licensed professionals. Beth Rapha is responsible for maintaining an excellent working relationship with the Gennesaret Medical Center, and the community. There are medical needs not covered by Gennesaret Community Care that are available through Beth Rapha.
An overview of the services Gennesaret Medical Center provides includes:
Advance Directives for Health Care: Working in cooperation with Zena’s Legal Services for those who desire to have “Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care,” “Living Wills,” or other options regarding health care and treatment.
Allergy Center: identification and treatment of all allergies.
Communicable Disease: Diagnosis, treatment, prevention counseling.
Dental Services: Complete oral care.
Dermatology Care
Eye Care/Optometry Services: Complete care, with a variety of no-cost/low-cost frames, lenses and contact lenses available to choose from with approval of the Optometrist. Non-prescription reading glasses may be purchased through the Gilead Apothecary.
Food allergy/special dietary needs: Our Hospitality Tribe can accommodate all necessary dietary needs as prescribed by Gennesaret for the Sojourners and our staff. (The Hospitality Tribe must approve any dietary restriction based on religious beliefs.)
Medical Alert Bracelet Program
Medical appliances: braces, casts, canes, etc.
Medical Service for Chronic illness diagnosis and maintenance: Gennesaret identifies nine illnesses (diabetes, asthma, Aids/STD’s, hypertension, seizure disorders, cancer, hepatitis, cardiology, and obesity) and will provide continuous monitoring of these illnesses with the cooperation of the patient.
Medications – see information under “Gilead Apothecary.”
Non-emergency care
Physical disabilities
Physical Therapy: Staffed by Physical Therapists and support staff, this area handles referrals to work with Sojourners, staff, and the public to provide physical therapy diagnosis, and treatment. Specialists will also be able to handle referrals for Sports Therapy.
Licensed Chiropractors are available.
Right to refuse medical treatment.
Routine physical exams and consultation
Urgent Care
Our Sojourners will have some medical needs not covered by Gennesaret Community Care that will be taken care of through Beth Rapha. These include:
Medical Classification: Upon arrival, and after initial interviews, examinations, and testing by Gennesaret, all Sojourners are given a medical classification. This classification is based upon their physical abilities at the time of their assessment. These assessments will be used to determine the individuals’ ability to perform in certain jobs without compromising their health care while staying at our facilities.
Medical Record Review: Beth Rapha provides access for Sojourners and staff to review their personal records within established guidelines.
Naomi’s Beth Rapha: {explanations for Naomi can be found in the Sojourners Tribe} Because of the nature and condition of the Goneus at Naomi’s Beth Pelet, full-time medical staff are needed. A full-time Midwife keeps watch on Goneus and their babies, while Nurses and Gennesaret Medical Center staff is always on stand-by. Gennesaret Medical Center staff are also available whenever a delivery is imminent. A fully equipped Birthing Room is part of Naomi’s Beth Pelet.
Sojourners identified by Gennesaret Medical Center as having a disability will be given accommodations of a “reasonable” nature to facilitate and assist them.
Sick Bay: Staffed by a Nurse-In-Charge, who is assisted by rotating Gennesaret Medical Center staff to handle Sojourners who need short-term full-time medical care.
Gilead Apothecary (gihl' ih uhd) frequently mentioned in the Bible, was famous for the balm of Glead that had curative power, probably derived from the resin of a small balsam tree. An Apothecary (uh pahth' ih kehr ih) is the KJV translation of a word translated as “perfumer” in modern versions (Ex 30:25; 35; 37:29; 2 Chron 16:14; Neh 3:8; Eccl 10:1). Perfumers were held in high esteem (Gen 37:25; Jer 46:11; Ex 30:35) The apothecary (Neh 3:8) has been characterized as the equivalent of a modern druggist. His main task involved the compounding of drugs and ointments for medical purposes. The Gilead Apothecary is located at Gennesaret Community Care to allow for additional control of medications and their use among the Sojourners. The fully equipped pharmacy is led by a licensed Pharmacist who is assisted by Clerk/Cashiers. In addition to filling prescription needs, the Gilead Apothecary offers a variety of over-the-counter meds and supplies that may be purchased to relieve and/or prevent common health concerns. The Gilead Apothecary also has a Healthy Living Consultant who stocks and recommends any number of holistic supplements as an alternative to prescribed medications and treatments. Our emphasis is always placed on prevention.
Physicians Succoth King Asa sought medical care from physicians for his diseased feet (2 Chron 16:12). Some non-medical references are made to physicians (Jer 8:22; Job 13:4). It is unlikely that many trained physicians lived among the ancient Hebrews. By the time of Jesus, the city of Rome had become an important medical center. Many physicians practiced there. The Romans made significant contributions to the area of public health, including the provision of a relatively pure water supply, an effective sewage disposal system, and the establishment of a food inspection program. The Romans also established a network of hospitals, initially founded to care for the needs of the army. The NT mentions physicians only a few times. Jesus noted the purpose of a physician is to treat the ill (Mt 9:12; Mk 2:17; Lk 5:31), and he referred to a common proverb, “Physician, heal thyself” (Lk 4:23). Mark and Luke related the story of a woman who had sought the help of physicians but had not been healed (Mk 5:25-34; Lk 8:43-48). Paul, in Colossians 4:14, remarks that his colleague, Luke, was a physician.
Succoth (sewk' kohth) means, “booths.” Each Physician’s Succoth is a small room (booth) set aside for quick access to first aid supplies when needed. The Succoth are monitored and managed through a Templekeeper. There are Succoth’s located everywhere throughout all our facilities to provide non-emergency care for such things as minor cuts, abrasions, burns and bruises. “Blood Spill Clean-up Kits” are available for minor spills of blood. These kits include the supplies proven effective against blood borne pathogens and come with directions for their use. In the event of a minor spill, Sojourners are to contact a staff person for the nearest kit. Everyone has the right to refuse to clean up any infectious materials and everyone also has the right to protect themselves against the spread and contamination of blood or body fluids. In the event of more than a minor spill of any kind, (or over a larger area), Beth Rapha is contacted, and the “Hazardous Spill Team” is sent immediately to deal with the problem. The Succoth also serves as an access point in the event of a medical emergency for preliminary exam and holds emergency equipment and supplies to aid in the fast treatment and transport of persons having a medical emergency (backboard, wheelchair, CPR gear, etc.)
Emergency Response Team In the event of a medical emergency within the facility, this team is always ready to respond and dispatch to the location of the emergency. Gennesaret Medical Center, Beth Rapha, and Gideon’s Army team up to train and drill staff for preparedness in the event of a fire, weather, hostage, facility crisis, and/or other disaster situations. The Emergency Response Team is trained to triage on site and determine whether emergency, urgent, or non-emergency care are needed and then follow through as needed.
Health Information Center Staffed by a full time Nurse Practitioner, who is aided by Clerks, the Center provides walk-in health information for both Sojourners and the public. Prevention, care, and concerns regarding a wide variety of health issues is offered. The Health Information Center also regularly creates, develops, and runs informational classes to both residents and the public related to current health trends, and common health concerns. Education related to alternative health options is made readily available.
Ruth’s En-Haddah Ruth was an ancestor of David and Jesus, and the name of one of the books of the Bible which tells the story of the reversal of fortunes for Ruth and her mother-in-law, Naomi. Truth be told, we chose the name Ruth because one of the most devout pray-ers we have ever known, a wonderful woman by the name of Ruth Cloninger, was a beloved Milwaukee prayer warrior who so carefully and lovingly lead several Bible studies each week and conducted one-on-one share and prayer sessions with more people than we can count. She mentored scores of individuals using only God’s Word and prayer right up until the day of her passing at almost 92 in 2009. She, like the Ruth of the Bible, was an inspiration, and one of the chief reasons we have continued to pursue what we do for so long. En-Haddah (ehn-hahd' duhh) means, “swift fountain” and was a city in the tribal lot of Issachar (Josh 19:21). nooks is designed after the things Ruth has taught to so many of us straight from Scripture over the years. So, when people come to visit Ruth’s En-Haddah, they will gain a fountain of support and prayer. It is a peaceful area with trained, certified Biblical Prayer Counselors who are always available for confidential praying and sharing. Everyone who comes to the Ruth's Enhaddah is greeted by one of the Biblical Prayer Counselors in the same way, “I’m here for you. Remember that no matter what the problem – you have a friend in me. I may not be able to solve the problem, but you can depend on me…to stand with you, to pray for you, and to give you my love and support. You are important to me and I care about you.” (1 Peter 5.7). If a single visit is not all that one of the visitor’s needs, they are immediately signed up to participate in the Share and Prayer Ministry which is designed to provide a quiet, relaxed, and safe setting in which individuals or couples can meet with a Counselor and share, then pray through issues in their lives. Sadly, since around World War II, pastors have been farming counseling out to those who have studied under the worldly “experts” filled with secular theories. The purpose of Ruth’s Enhaddah and the Share and Prayer Ministry is to break the cycle of iniquity and change one person at a time. The Share and Prayer Scribe accommodates the needs of those who come seeking change and maintains appointment schedules. It is especially important that people feel free to seek counseling. Waiting until a problem is so chronic or severe that counseling becomes a last resort is a vicious cycle repeated in our world again and again – and it doesn’t cut it. Ruth’s Enhaddah spends considerable time letting people know that it is time to seek help whenever anyone…
feels increasingly discouraged and confused about life.
feels that something is bothering them, but they are not sure what it is.
feels that everyone is against them.
find themselves unable to get a handle on their anger, fear, worry, or sleeplessness.
keeps hearing from others that they are being unreasonable or insensitive.
finds themselves thinking seriously about how to get out of their commitment to a relationship or a job.
is wrestling with an issue that will have significant effects on themselves and others around them.
is unable to change behavior that is harming themselves or others.
has secret compulsions that feel out of control.
has a pain within them that is not being resolved by the normal channels of asking forgiveness, admitting they have been wrong, and seeking reconciliation.
keeps having thoughts of not wanting to live.
The Biblical counseling that takes place at Ruth’s Enhaddah has these important elements:
It understands that we look to Scripture, look to Scripture, look to Scripture!
It understands that we can understand our human experience only when we remember that we are made in the image and likeness of the Creator and Provider of the universe. Little can be understood about us unless we remember that we were made to find satisfaction and meaning only in a condition of dependence on the One who made us. This allows for enormous implications in dealing with our insecurities, fears, anxieties, and discouragements.
It understands that we can honestly face and deal with the way others have sinned against and deeply wronged us only when we recognize that our own sinfulness is our primary problem. Other issues, as important and worthy of discussion as they may be, are not primary. We can begin to make significant strides in dealing with our problems only when we realize how inclined we are not to trust God. We need to see what happens when we fail to trust Him and begin to demand that He and others come through for us on our terms. Putting other people of things into the role of Provider is our fallen obsession. It is what causes us to turn violently against ourselves, others, and even God, when we are disappointed.
It understands that our biggest need is forgiveness, not personal wholeness. An obsession with personal wholeness puts our focus on what we do not yet have. It feeds the idea that we deserve more than we now have. We are inclined, therefore, to be dissatisfied and frustrated with life. We demand satisfaction now. The truth is that no one needs anything more than the mercy and forgiveness of God. It is only by God’s mercy that we are not consumed. It is only because Christ bore our sins in His own body on the cross that we can be freed of the shame and guilt that would otherwise separate us from the One who alone is able to protect and provide for us in this life and the next. People who focus on the mercy of God are increasingly grateful, content, and loving. As they are overwhelmed by the generous mercy of God, they find it impossible to turn around and violently attack those who do not come through for them. As God has given them mercy, they give mercy and kindness. This is the way of a heart filled with and energized by the Spirit of Christ.
It understands that if we are going to experience real change, we need a change of heart that results from brokenness over our sin. This repentance (a change of heart and mind) is far more important than getting insight. It is a willingness to see that our sin is more important than our pain, and that nothing is more important than experiencing the forgiveness and mercy of Christ. The Lord’s counsel to us is, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Mt 11:28-29).
While all human misery, disability, and sickness goes back to Adam’s sin, this does not always mean that there is a direct correlation between a counselee’s misery and sin. In many instances, a counselee’s problems are directly related to sinful behaviors while in other situations the suffering that they are experiencing was caused by another’s sin. Human suffering in a world of sin comes to all mankind one way or another in the providence of God.
Considering the suffering that people experience in life, the Counselors must teach the counselees that they need to:
Trust God’s providence: 1 Peter 4:19, “Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well-doing as unto a faithful Creator.”
Acquire a Biblical perspective on suffering which emphasizes an attitude of looking at present suffering in light of eternal glory, 2 Corinthians 4:17.
Understand that if the core and center of any counseling model isn’t God the Holy Spirit (the Divine Counselor), the counseling is not Christ-centered.
Versiti Blood Center of Wisconsin Founded in 1947, and based in Milwaukee, Versiti is the exclusive provider of blood and blood products to more than 56 hospitals in 29 counties and provides 230,000+ units of blood annually. There is no substitute for blood, organs, tissue, or bone marrow. They are precious. They are perishable. And the need for them is vital. Any one of us might need a transfusion, at any time. We rely on one another to meet that need. But on the other side of that common vulnerability, there is uncommon strength. As a partnership of blood centers, we are far stronger together than we are alone. Our facility hosts one of these blood centers.
The other side of the Healing and Fitness Tribe’s responsibility falls to Hezekiah’s Tunnel, Son and successor of Ahaz as king of Juda (716/15-687/86 B.C.) Hezekiah began his reign when he was twenty-five years old. Hezekiah anticipated the time when he would have to confront Assyrian armies. Hezekiah fortified the city of Jerusalem and organized an army. Hezekiah constructed a tunnel through solid rock from the spring of Gihon to the Siloam pool. Matthew lists Hezekiah in the genealogy of Jesus (Mt 1:9-10).
Because of his dedication to keeping God in all things, and for having the foresight to protect his kingdom, Hezekiah’s Tunnel focuses on providing physical fitness through recreational activities. This is an area whose focus can continually change, grow, or shift emphasis as the needs and opportunities arise. In addition to intramural and league sporting activities such as basketball, soccer, touch football, softball, and volleyball, outdoor recreation can be provided for such things as Frisbee, horseshoes, hackey-sack, pick-up basketball, putting greens, and badminton. At every opportunity, the challenge is to do more than just “play a game.” By thinking “outside of the box,” each activity can be a used as a powerful witness tool in ways unique to the game and is a way to reach participants who might not be exposed to any kind of Jesus otherwise. Prayer at all events is essential.
Hezekiah’s Tunnel has the Fitness Minister, Scribe, Templekeepers and Clerks all working to provide the activities and events. The Intramural & League Coordinator creates, develops, and implements exercise opportunities through a variety of friendly competitions as a way of encouraging healthy physical care. The Coordinator develops sporting events that can be sponsored, overseen, or/and coordinated through the Tribe. Development of a traveling sports team is important. The Activity Director creates, develops, and implements mentally challenging games and activities that do not necessarily require the participant to be in great physical shape, keeping Sojourners involved in challenging social opportunities. Batting cages, go-carts, water slide, and bumper boats are just some of the things that the Director supervises. Hezekiah’s Tunnel operates and maintains the following:
Citadel Arena A specially fortified defensive structure usually located within a city (2 Samuel 12:26; 1 Kings 16:18; 2 Kings 15:25; Esther 1:2, 5; 2:3, 5, 8). An arena is an enclosed area, often circular or oval-shaped, designed to showcase theater, musical performances, or sporting events. The term "arena" is also used loosely to refer to any event or type of event which either literally or metaphorically takes place in such a location, often with the specific intent of comparing an idea to a sporting event. Such examples of these would be terms like "the arena of war" or "the arena of love" or "the political arena". This is the main gym area, maintained by a Templekeeper, with changing rooms where Sojourners can go for exercise instruction and assistance from a Health Trainer, and for rigorous physical activity.
Racquetball Sphaerista During their exercises, Romans participated in a variety of sporting activities involving balls, including handball, soccer, field hockey, catch games, and perhaps even dodge ball. These usually took place in the palaestra or sphaerista (ball-courts). Sphaerista for racquetball can be found in the Citadel Arena.
Pit Stop at the Citadel In motorsports, a pit stop is where a racing vehicle stops in the pits during a race for refueling, new tires, repairs, mechanical adjustments, a driver change, or any combination of the above. At the Citadel Arena for those both participating in activities there, and those who have come to watch can get snacks and refreshments at the Pit Stop, where healthy alternatives to the usual “junk food” are also available.
Gymnasium The first public gymnasium in Rome was built by Nero. In the Middle Ages, jousting, feats of horsemanship and field sports of various kinds became popular, and the more systematic training of the body associated with the Greek gymnasium was neglected. The word gymnasium is the Latinization of the Greek noun gymnasion, "gymnastic school", in plural, "bodily exercises" and generally "school" which in turn is derived from the common Greek adjective gymnos) meaning "naked", by way of the related verb gymnazo, whose meaning is "to train naked", "train in gymnastic exercise", generally "to train, to exercise” The verb had this meaning because one undressed for exercise. Historically, the gymnasium was used for exercise, communal bathing, and scholarly and philosophical pursuits. The Gymnasium at our facility is the exercise and work-out room for the staff, and some of the Sojourners as a reward for doing well. There is also a Racquetball Sphaerista. It is a place to stay in shape while letting off a little steam and is maintained by a Templekeeper.
Isthmian Room The Four Greek Panhellenic Games were the largest public sports contests in the Near East. Some believe that Paul was a spectator at the Isthmian Games (near Corinth), one of these international spectacles which was celebrated every two years (1 Cor 9:24-25). It is evident that the apostle was familiar with athletics (Gal 2:2; Phil 3:13-14; 2 Tim 2:5; 1 Cor 9:25-27). Athletes were rubbed with oil and participated without clothing. The competitive spirit was vigorous, and contests were governed by few rules. Staffed and maintained by a Templekeeper, these game rooms are in every Sojourner unit providing a variety of content monitored electronic and board games/card games. Electronic darts, a Ping-Pong table, foosball machine, or perhaps a pinball machine, surrounded by gaming tables to provide a healthy, fun setting for residents to be able to be mentally challenged and enjoy. Gambling is prohibited, but extremely low stakes games with scorekeeping and frequent tournaments with prizes help to keep things interesting. Games, puzzles, crosswords, are all found and encouraged in these rooms.
Kings Highway Road Rally The King’s Highway was a major transportation route east of the Jordan River. Literally “the way of the king,” this highway has been in continuous use for over 3,000 years. It runs from Damascus to the Gulf of Aqabah and is the main caravan route for the Transjordan. It is mentioned in Numbers 20:17 and 21:22 as the route Moses and the Israelites would take through Edom and the land of Sihon. The Kings Highway Road Rally is a unique way to encourage exercise. This room provides stationary bikes, and walking machines facing a screen that will show a variety of travelogues, particularly from the Holy Land, etc. These will help keep interest, while honing reflexes, and still be a form of great exercise. It is possible to also show movies and encourage an entire Sojourner unit or other group to “ride” on a road rally. The Rally is maintained by a Templekeeper. The possibilities for this area are almost unending.
Magi Shethar Obstacle Course The term magi are used as the name for priests and wise men among the Medes, Persians, and Babylonians. These people were supposed to be adept in secret learning. The magi took their places among “the astrologers, those who prophesy by the stars, those who predict by the new moons.” Shethar means searching. The magi, or astrologers, traveled a long ways over rugged ground to see for themselves the child that Scripture had foretold of. The obstacle course includes running, climbing, jumping, crawling, swimming (in season), and balancing elements with the aim of testing speed, endurance, and agility. The course involves mental tests along the way as well. Obstacles like a climbing wall, sway steps, travel walls, floating boards, traverse walls, rams, and ladders serve as a reminder that following the Christian face isn’t always easy, and many times even challenging. It is also a great way to stay in shape and have fun.
Peniel (Pih ni' ehl) is an alternate form of the word Penuel at Genesis 32:30, which means, “face of God.” It was the site on the River Jabok northeast of Succoth where Jacob wrestled with the stranger (Gen 32:24-32; compare Hos 12:4). Just as Jacob wrestled, so, too, can the Sojourners get a good workout and exercise in these rooms. Peniel exercise and workout areas are provided for clusters of each of the residential units where as many opportunities for physical exercise can be squeezed in as possible. Monitored and maintained by a Templekeeper, these are not body-building centers, but serve as a place for healthy workouts – aerobics, step machines, walking machines, rowing machines, punching bags…
Rock of Ages Bowling Alley "Rock of Ages" is a popular Christian hymn by the Reverend Augustus Montague Toplady written in 1763. Toplady, a preacher in the nearby village of Blagdon, was travelling along a gorge when he was caught in a storm. Finding shelter in a gap in the gorge, he was struck by the title and scribbled down the initial lyrics on a playing card. The fissure that is believed to have sheltered Toplady is now marked as the "Rock of Ages", both on the rock itself and on some maps. This hymn was regarded as one of the Great Four Anglican Hymns in the 19th century. For use by Sojourners, staff, and when available, by the public. State of the art bowling facilities that provide healthy fun, a little exercise, and demonstrates that there are many activities available to the Christian world as healthy outlets for recreation.
Rock of Ages Hideaway (hīdəˌwā) is a place used as a retreat or a hiding place. Located at the Rock of Ages Bowling Alley is a place to get a snack and beverages. The Hideaway offers all kinds of items on its menu for those who are bowling, as well as coordinating any variety of parties for special events being held at the Rock of Ages Bowling Alley.
Samson and Delilah’s Hair Shoppe (sam' suhn) means, “of the sun.” Samson was the son of Manoah of the tribe of Dan. He was a legendary hero who frequently did battle against the Philistines who, at that time, “had dominion over Israel” (Judg 14:14). Before his conception, Samson was dedicated by his parents to be a lifelong Nazarite (Judg 13:3-7), a person especially devoted or consecrated. Part of the vow included letting the hair grow and abstaining from wine and strong drink. Samson’s legendary strength did not come from his long hair. Rather, it came through the “Spirit of the Lord” who would “come upon” him to enable him to perform amazing feats of physical strength (Judg 14:6, 19; 15:14; compare 16:28-29). He is listed with the heroes of faith in Hebrews 11:32, because his strength came from God and because in his dying act, he demonstrated his faith. Delilah (Dih li' lah) means, “with long hair hanging down.” A woman from the valley of Sorek who was loved by Samson (Judg 16:4). She was probably a Philistine. She enticed Samson into revealing to her that the secret of his great strength lay in his hair, which had never been cut. Then, she betrayed him to the Philistines. While he slept, she had his head shaved, and he was captured, blinded, and bound by the Philistines. A barber was a person whose trade possibly originated in connection with the shaving of the head as part of a vow (Numb 6:18-19). The instruments of his work were probably the razor, the basin, the mirror, and perhaps the scissors. He usually plied his trade in the open, on the street. The word barber occurs only once in Scripture (Ezek 5:1). However, great attention was paid to the hair and beard among the ancients. The barber must have been a well-known tradesman. Part of health care is certainly hair care, and so this Shoppe is supervised by Hezekiah’s Tunnel. Haircuts, trimmings, styling, washes, and perms are available at the Shoppe on an “appointment only” basis. A Cosmetologist, with the assistance of a Templekeeper maintains the Shoppe. Sojourners and staff may schedule an appointment with either the Head Barber, another Barber, or the Cosmetologist as often as necessary by signing up during posted hours, or by contacting the Shoppe via the In-House Mail System. Sojourners and staff will be charged for supplies for some services. Those who come for cuts or trims with dirty hair will be charged for hair washing or will have to reschedule their appointment. Late or missed appointments will be charged to the Sojourners PFA. Selection in personal hair grooming is each Sojourners so long as they maintain hair that is clean and free of all hair grease. The exception is punk or gang-style cuts, which are not allowed. All arriving Sojourners will be given haircuts if needed and requested to remove all facial hair. The Captain of Gideon’s Army is the only one who can grant exceptions to this policy. Dramatic changes in appearance will require Gideon’s Army be contacted, and a new ID photo taken.
Siloam’s Pool (sih loh' uhm) was the pool created by Hezekiah’s tunnel which diverted the waters of Shiloah from the Siloam Spring to a point less vulnerable to the Assyrian enemy. The pool created by Hezekiah and known by Jesus is still a source of water today. Our swimming facility is named for this famous pool. While some may question having the luxury of a swimming pool at our facilities, in reality, a swimming pool provides a form of exercise to many who wouldn’t otherwise dream of working out. Water sports, laps, simple playing in the water is all conducive to good health. Swimming is readily available and cheap in many parts of the country. Lifeguards and Swim Instructors are provided, of course. It is particularly important to utilize this area as much as possible: creative thinking from Hezekiah’s Tunnel creates opportunities to encourage the use (beach parties, unit vs. unit water frolics, midnight swims, etc.) of Siloam’s Pool.
Sojourner Bijou Cinema (ˈbē-ˌzhü ) The Bijou Theatre is a theater located in Knoxville, Tennessee, built in 1909 was an addition to the Lamar House Hotel. This jewel of a movie theater at our facilities is a place for the Sojourners to go to view a wide variety of movies. Strictly for entertainment and a place to just get away from it all, the Sojourners can kick back and enjoy this elegant, small movie theater. Advance tickets are required. The Sojourner Bijou Cinema also is available to groups for events and holds special events for Tribal staff.
Cinema Snack Bar No respectable movie theater can exist without a good old snack bar. The Bijou is no exception, and the Cinema Snack Bar has candy (like Twizzlers, Dots, Raisinets, Sweet tarts, M&M’s, Lifesavers, and Skittles), Beverages (milk, coffee’s, tea’s, waters, lemonade, fruit drinks, Icee’s), funnel cakes, pretzel bites, nachos, hot dogs, and of course POPCORN!!