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Sojourner Tribe

“How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!”  Psalm 133:1

“Don’t forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it!”  Hebrews 13.2

“When a stranger sojourns with you in your land, you shall not do him wrong. You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.”  Leviticus 19:33-34


Riverside Webster’s Dictionary defines a Sojourner as someone who “resides (or stays) temporarily at a residence for a brief time.”    In the Bible, they are mentioned frequently; Abram in Egypt (Gen 12:10), Jacob with Laban (Gen 32:4), all of Israel in Egypt (Gen 47:4), and Naomi in Moab (Ruth 1:1) to name some. The bottom line here is that anyone who turns to us in need, regardless of their situation, will be given the opportunity to take advantage of all that we offer as long as they can live within the very few guidelines that we have established.  Race, color, creed, political, religious views, and any kind of disability are not barriers. Instead, they are invitations to join us and make a difference.  

We provide living accommodation for those in need who turn to us for help.  While it sounds simple, the task is huge because the need is so great.  We welcome the person who comes to us understanding that they need to change some things in their lives, even though they may not be sure exactly what that is, and probably do not have a clue as to how to make those changes.  The Sojourner Tribe is charged with the vital and life-changing task of welcoming in, evaluating, and providing for all our Sojourners by providing a clean, secure, and supervised, supportive living environment to those who have turned to us broken and devastated by their life’s circumstances.  Whether from a family crisis or dysfunction, personal or family members alcohol, drug-abuse, gambling, incarceration, poverty, sexual abuse, or any long list of other possible addictions, we allow the individual to come in, just as they are, and be gently restored to healthy, healing, productive members of the community.  

What we are doing is standing in the gap and proclaiming, “We need your discards!  Whatever you don’t want, we’ll take.  What you call garbage, rejects, unneeded, and junk, we’ll use to help others in need!”   We must not forget that the four-hundred men who joined David at the Cave of Adullam were in distress, in debt, and discontented.  Each faced difficulty and discouragement (1 Sam 21.10 – 22.2).  Christians in many ways are a collection of desperate people who have answered Jesus invitation to them (Mt 11.28).  Christ is our Captain, Savior, Leader, and Lord.  We come as we are so that we can become what He wants us to be.  We intend to reach out to the rest of the folks out there, who, but for God’s grace could just as easily be one of us – or actually was one of us. And we intend, with the love and resources God provides to keep doing it until He takes us home or comes to get us all!

Our cry is, “Do you feel like a moral or spiritual discard?  Come to Jesus.  Loners and losers are welcome at our door.  The crucified and risen Christ is the master of redemption for all who turn to Him!    Let’s not be negligent and forget that Jesus came to save the lost, the last, and the least!”

Any individual who finds themselves displaced in society, will find that there is a place that they can turn to that exemplifies God’s love and grace…the chemically dependent, the ex-con, the homeless, the runaway, the single parent, or the unwed mom will all find open arms.  Those who can demonstrate that they are in such a situation and need housing and food, and who express an honest desire to change their situation are given every possible positive opportunity to do so by becoming a Sojourner.

The Sojourner Tribe oversees the following:


  • Sheepfold

  • Bond Master

  • Captain of the Guides, Guides

  • The Cave of Adullam, Castaways

  • Cherith Pavilion, Pippins

  • Jehovah Jireh Bethshean, Wayfarers

  • Lambs of God Chasah, Amno

  • Naomi’s Beth Pelet, Goneus

  • Farmer’s Bunkhouse

  • Exodus Center, Seekers Refuge, Pilgrims Beth Arabah, Saints Inn

  • Disciples Dwelling Place

  • Mt Moriah Room

  • The Praetorium   

  • Olive Branch Lodge, Leaves & Beans Boutique, Mount of Olives Atrium

  • Mt Ararat Center, Dove’s Nest Clubhouse

  • Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednago’s Haven    

  • Actor’s Attic   

  • Lishkah Camp    

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