Reaching Out
with the Love of Jesus
Kingdom Diplomats Family Chaplain
Please note: Never-Ending Grace Corporation is a faith-based organization committed to following the teachings of Jesus Christ as found in God’s Word, the Bible. Our mission is to treat everyone with the love of Jesus.
General Job Description
The position of Kingdom Diplomats Family Chaplain serves as the assistant to the Kingdom Diplomats Pastor, reporting directly to him, and is responsible for developing, directing, and coordinating the comprehensive, ever-growing Kingdom Diplomats ministries that reach out to women, children, youth, college-age, families, unmarried adults, and seniors while embodying the teaching found in Scripture:
To joyfully proclaim and celebrate God’s Word, actively witnessing the love of Jesus Christ
To welcome all into our community, extending God’s love and grace to those in need
To constantly grow in faith through prayer and study of God’s Word
To be responsible stewards of God’s gifts
The Family Chaplain will plan with the intention of reaching those who come to the Kingdom Diplomats and reach out to those in the community with a variety of ministry opportunities to the variety of groups being targeted. This position serves as the advocate for the generations of the Kingdom and will oversee the structure and atmosphere of the Kingdom Diplomats to ensure that the family of God is working together to make disciples of the next generation. The Family Chaplain is first an advocate for the children, youth, and young adults because these are the people who are most likely least knowledgeable and least experienced in the Christian life. The Family Chaplain is next an advocate for the parent of these young people because they are in the greatest position to influence the young. The Family Chaplain is third concerned for other mature adults because they have an important role in the discipleship and mentoring of parents and young people alike.
A bachelor’s degree in management, teaching, or counseling may be helpful. Pastoral certification/ordination is required. 3-5 years’ experience working with women, children, youth, college-age, and family services/ministries is required. Must meet the Scriptural qualifications of a Deacon/Elder. Experienced in leading worship helpful. Familiarity with the community is necessary. Non-profit experience is a plus. Experience with volunteers preferred. IFOC Chaplaincy certification must be completed within 9 months of being hired. Strong references are desirable and will be verified and considered.
Responsibilities and Duties
The Kingdom Diplomats Family Chaplain will maintain a vital and healthy personal connection with the Lord through daily Bible study and prayer.
The Kingdom Diplomats Family Chaplain will keep proper priorities at home with his/her spouse and children.
The Kingdom Diplomats Family Chaplain must agree with Never-Ending Grace Corporation’s Purpose, Mission, and Statement of Faith, and adhere to the goals and philosophies of the Corporation.
The Kingdom Diplomats Family Chaplain functions as an integral member of the Never-Ending Grace Corporation Team.
The Kingdom Diplomats Family Chaplain reports to the Kingdom Diplomats Pastor and serves as his assistant and back-up for all Kingdom Diplomats events, services, and activities.
The Family Chaplain will be the chief administrator and overseer of programs and discipleship for children from cradle to college, to their parents, and to families, unmarried adults, and seniors. This is not to imply that the Chaplain will do all things, only that he/she will oversee and delegate them as appropriate. The Family Chaplain will work closely with Kingdom Diplomats Partners to ensure that everyone coming to the Kingdom Diplomats knows what is available for each of these groups, where to turn for assistance, are that the Kingdom Diplomats is prepared to lead each group, especially by providing spiritual mentors for children and youth when a parent cannot be the model. To achieve this, the following is expected of the Family Chaplain:
Theological Identity
Be a mature Christian with a strong Biblical foundation and a clear testimony of faith in Jesus Christ and a call to the position of Family Chaplain.
Maintain a personal discipline of daily prayer and devotion in an effort to deepen his/her relationship with Jesus Christ, continuing to grow in faith through study and prayer.
Understand and enthusiastically support the theology of Never-Ending Grace Corporation, its Statement of Faith, Objectives, Purpose, and Goals.
Provide regular opportunities (through events, programs, worship, one-on-one relationships, etc.) for each group of responsibility to respond to the Gospel by committing their lives to Christ.
Motivate and role model women, children, youth, college-age, families, adults, and seniors to share the Gospel with their friends.
Plan programs and events that will draw individuals from each of the areas of responsibility from outside the Kingdom Diplomats who need to know Jesus Christ.
Must have a working knowledge of the physical layout of and the functions of the facility, learn and be able to quickly implement the Emergency Action Plan (EAP), and be able to open and close the facility, using the written procedures.
Develop, provide, and maintain channels of communication through the Kingdom Diplomats Administrator, between staff, leaders, Kingdom Diplomats Partners and the community, keeping all informed about current and upcoming events within the designated ministry groups newsletters, e-news, bulletin boards/signage, and other appropriate media.
Obtain samples of curriculum to be evaluated and reviewed before submitting to the Kingdom Diplomats Pastor for approval. Will then assist the Kingdom Diplomats Administrator in the ordering of all curriculum and supplies.
Supervise the inventory and maintenance of all equipment for ministry use, advising the Kingdom Diplomats Administrator of needed maintenance. Will also check the condition of the Kingdom Diplomats rooms used by the various ministries, their physical arrangement and any other needs, helping to coordinate cleaning and classroom set-ups. This will also include recommending improvements to the facility to enhance ease of use and quality programming.
Solicit, collect, and follow-up on comments, requests, and ideas from the Kingdom Diplomats family about on-going programs and program ideas for the future, discussing them with staff and other appropriate people.
Faithfully respond to phone calls, emails, texts, and other communications received.
Develop relationships with other churches, ministries, and businesses in the community to further the Kingdom of God.
Work with the Kingdom Diplomats Pastor and Kingdom Diplomats Partners to accomplish the ministry of the Kingdom Diplomats, attending relevant staff and team meetings as scheduled, prepared to report, and interact so as to keep meeting time to a minimum.
Maintain confidentiality concerning private pastoral/chaplain care, counseling, and any personal and confidential information about Kingdom Diplomats family received directly or indirectly.
Always deal with individual complaints regarding another individual by using Scripture teaching to first take it to the brother/sister personally before bringing it to others.
Children’s Ministry
Will develop, implement, and supervise the Petra Nursery providing a Nursery Coordinator and maintain a list of children less than two years old and their parent(s) who regularly come to the Kingdom Diplomats. Give appropriate recognition of newborns and help parents to both understand and have the opportunity for child dedication.
Will develop, implement, and supervise, engaging ministries for the Solid Rock (3yrs-5th grade) program for children 3years to 5th grade, including the Kidz Church Sunday Program, and Summer Vacation Camp programs. This includes developing and expound a vision that leads to a focus on teaching Bible knowledge and demonstrating living Christian faith through relational interaction between the staff, leaders, and the Children.
Evaluate all programs and their curriculum annually; ensuring that the curriculum used at each level of spiritual development connects to the next.
Ensure necessary materials, equipment, and Bibles for all programs are available to coordinators, teachers, and students on a timely basis.
Create an educational oversight team to assist in recruiting, training, and encouraging coordinators and teachers for all programs.
Maintain a list of all children and leaders by program and age, recording attendance and parent information.
To develop and provide guidelines/events for Bible gifting, special offerings, missionary4recognition, student participation recognition, leader commissioning, leader recognition, and child sponsorship.
To coordinate with the Worship Team to ensure that each age group is participating in Kingdom Diplomats praise and worship services.
To develop, coordinate and prepare with the Worship Team special Easter, Christmas, and other programs.
To develop, promote and coordinate children going to off-site summer camp opportunities.
Youth Ministry
Will develop, implement, and supervise the Plugged-In program for youth in 6-8th grade and the Ablaze program for high school aged youth, creating engaging ministries, and programs by developing and expounding a vision that leads to a focus on teaching Bible knowledge and demonstrating living Christian faith through the relational interaction between the staff, leaders, and the Youth.
Evaluate the above programs and their curriculum annually.
Ensure necessary materials, equipment, and Bibles for the above programs are available to leaders and students on a timely basis.
To create an educational oversight team to assist in recruiting, training, and encouraging leaders for all programs; ensuring that the curriculum used at each level of spiritual development connects to the next.
Maintain a list of all youth and leaders by program and age, recording attendance and parent information.
To develop and provide guidelines/events for Bible gifting, special offerings, missionary recognition, youth participation recognition, leader commissioning, leader recognition, and youth mentoring.
To develop and provide guidelines and guidance for youth baptism.
To coordinate with the Worship Team to ensure that each age group is participating in Kingdom Diplomats praise and worship services.
To develop, coordinate and prepare with the Worship Team special Easter, Christmas, and/or other programs, as well as beginning to encourage appropriate interaction and participation in other Kingdom Diplomats activities and programs.
To promote and coordinate youth attending the annual Lifefest Camp opportunity.
College Ministry
Will develop, implement, and supervise the Chosen Generation program for the college aged, creating an engaging ministry program that develops and expounds a vision that leads to a focus on teaching Bible knowledge and demonstrating living Christian faith through the relational interaction between the staff, leaders, and College-aged participants.
Evaluate the above program and its curriculum annually.
Ensure necessary materials, equipment, and Bibles for the program are available to leaders and participants on a timely basis.
To create, develop, and work with a Chosen Generation oversight team in recruiting, training, and encouraging leaders for the program; ensuring that the curriculum used at each level of spiritual development connects to the next.
Maintain a list of all participants and leaders, recording attendance, college, and parent information. Supervises monthly contact and interaction with the College aged who are on campuses outside of the community.
To develop and provide guidelines/events for missionary recognition, participation recognition, leader commissioning, leader recognition, and mentoring of participants.
To provide guidelines and guidance for baptism.
To coordinate with the Worship Team to ensure that the group is participating in Kingdom Diplomats praise and worship services.
To coordinate and prepare with the Worship Team special events, programs and outreach opportunities for the college-age as well as encouraging them to participate in other related opportunities at the Kingdom Diplomats.
To promote and coordinate college-age participants helping as leaders and mentors with the Children’s and Youth Ministries.
Family Ministry
To build relationships with both Kingdom Diplomats participants and Partners as well as community members children, youth, college-age, and families by contacting them in their homes, at school events, in the community, at the Kingdom Diplomats and elsewhere, setting a positive example in personal relationships, family life, moral and ethical character as well as by being a friend.
Be committed to the long-term development of Family Ministry with enthusiasm and dedication to working directly with people of all ages; being an active participant in the growth and development of Family Ministry
Ensure that ministry leaders connect regularly to the homes, so parents experience a clear partnership in the discipleship of their children, encouraging and helping parents to complement Kingdom learning with home learning.
To develop events, programs, and intergenerational gatherings where participants can bring friends and newcomers are encouraged and welcomed and recognize how God is working in the whole family of God.
Develop and implement a plan for on-going parent training, equipping, and encouragement; overseeing training that leads parents into a biblical study to help them understand their role and responsibilities; developing channels of resources that allow the parents to lead in their home in such a way that corporate unity is maintained.
Coach parents and children privately on specific issues in their family.
Work with staff and other ministry teams to ensure that there are opportunities for all generations to worship, learn and serve together.
Women's Ministry
Will develop, implement, and supervise the Girlfriends in Grace program for women of all ages, that encourages the spiritual development of the women who come to the Kingdom Diplomats as well as from the surrounding community by organizing programs, events, activities and Bible study for women of all ages. The program will remind the women of Biblical women and their stories, stay in touch with encouraging emails and texts, and inspire them to ask God to reveal the gifts and talents He has entrusted to them. The overall goal of the program is to have every woman who visits the Kingdom Diplomats to encounter God and grow daily in their encounters with the living Christ.
Encourage the women who come to the Kingdom Diplomats to achieve their best health in order to fulfill their practical and spiritual obligations (3 John 1:2 "Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well"). Organize online and live nutritious recipe swaps, pair up workout buddies, host a nutritious potluck once a month, all to Emphasize to the group members that a woman in her best health is an asset to her family, and is better equipped to be a shining example of God's love.
Organize several social events a year to give the women ample time to get to know each other and develop genuine connections. Reiterate to the women that it is essential to work together to achieve large goals, like organizing a Kingdom Diplomats school supply, clothing or food drive, but that friendships are an important part of Christianity as well. Use Bible verses such as Proverbs 27:17 for inspiration: "Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another."
Develop and organize opportunities to help the surrounding community with significant ministry work. Remind the women of James 1:27: "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world" (NIV), which suggests that displaying one's Christianity means helping those in need. Seek suggestions from the women for community activities in which they can all get involved, such as organizing an event to help orchestrate a Dress for Success program that helps single mothers look their best for job interviews, or a school supply drive to give underprivileged children all the items they need for the new school year.
Strive to develop leaders, then train them, develop them, and empower them to achieve what the Bible teaches they can and should be doing. Encourage every woman who attends each and every event, program, and/or activity.
Develop and lead the initiative to invite women personally to join the Girlfriends in Grace.
Evaluate each and every study, program, and event with an eye to always improving and finding ways to encourage the women of Girlfriends in Grace at the Kingdom Diplomats.
Unmarried Adults Ministry
Will develop, implement, and supervise the Grace Gang to reach out to all of those who are adults, but not married. It is vitally important that in organizing this particular group there be sensitivity to not creating barriers instead of bridges. This can be a particularly sensitive group to reach. There are as many stages and seasons to single adult life as there are for married adults. The Kingdom Diplomats needs to create opportunities for singles to meet and live in the context of community. The Kingdom Diplomats needs unmarried adults who are devoted to the Lord, especially, single men. Single adults need loving challenges so that they do not let a root of bitterness spring up.
The Kingdom Diplomats must be proactive in facilitating what God prizes in Scripture. Marriage is not the ultimate prize. It is important that unmarried men and women are discipled as men and women and not a generic lump of singleness. Scripture’s emphasis is on being made a man or a woman in the image of God, with a secondary emphasis on how that looks in the various roles and seasons of life. Unmarried men and women are no less masculine or feminine because of being single.
Put 1 Corinthians 7 to work at the Kingdom Diplomats by showing that the Diplomats actually needs unmarried adults who are devoted to the Lord, especially single men. What this looks like will be affected by who the singles are. When Kingdom Diplomats leaders ask unmarried men to take on significant responsibilities, they demonstrate a belief that godly singleness is a tremendous asset to the body of Christ.
Conversely, unmarried men and women are not the church’s workhorses. Even though some are unmarried, they still need to make their home and their home church priorities. They need time to receive care from close friends and to return that nurturing.
Develop teaching and training to understand that single men trust God by risking rejection and single women trust God by waiting on Him. Don’t minimize the cumulative years of dashed hopes for unmarried adults. Deferred hopes cannot be allowed to corrode their thankfulness for the gift of salvation.
The Grace Gang needs advice not stemmed from worldly thinking, not giving them advice to improve and equip themselves to attract better relationships, but rather reminding them they are stewards of whatever relationships they have been given. Singles are part of the bride of Christ and recipients of His faithful covenant love. Therefore, how the Kingdom Diplomats cares for others who are also Christ’s beloved speaks volumes to a watching world, to the praise of his glory.
Senior’s Ministry
Will develop, implement, and supervise the Methuselah’s Gang program for senior aged adults. Those adults will determine what age they are eligible for participation. All seniors will be encouraged to participate in any of the other Kingdom Diplomats programs and ministries, while taking advantage of unique programs for those who are retired or not moving as fast as they once did.
A program will be created to allow seniors to share their rich knowledge, talents, and experience warmly with youth and children from within the Kingdom Diplomats as well as the surrounding community. The program is designed to utilize the experience and talents of the senior community to benefit those younger and in much need of the practical knowledge that seniors have to offer. These folks can be pure gold (Proverbs 13:22; 16:31) and have a host of lifetime experiences to share, quite willingly, with others
A meeting and activity room will be created where Methuselah’s Gang can meet on a regular basis over a cup of coffee and some treats to fellowship, play some games, or enjoy a program specifically geared for the senior.
Using the Gennesaret Medical Clinic for support, exercise and aerobic classes will be held on a weekly basis.
Methuselah’s Gang will also have a senior meal program, based on need that will be able to provide monthly, weekly, or daily meals for seniors along with the opportunity for fellowship and some entertainment. The meal program can be adapted to provide home delivery if the need is present.
Desirable Qualities
A child of God with boundless energy and compassion is needed. Additionally, the Family Chaplain should:
Be a person who loves to turn to God in prayer first and foremost.
Possess a commitment to Jesus Christ, the local church, and the universal church of believers.
Possess strong Biblical faith and an active prayer life.
Have experience in leading Scriptural worship and praise.
Have an inherent passion and sense of call to the family ministry of the Kingdom Diplomats.
Have a basic knowledge of word processing, PowerPoint, email, and software used by the Kingdom Diplomats.
Have a strong work ethic (including the ability to go the extra mile when needed)
Possess good organizational and time management skills and be self-disciplined.
Be a forward-thinking individual.
Be a team player and team builder.
Be able to able to discern and use people's Spiritual Gifts and God-given talents.
Be genuinely willing to honor persons of various ages, backgrounds, economic status, physical abilities, and faith perspectives.
Be willing to serve a community that is economically and ethnically diverse with a variety of life-situations, settings, beliefs and needs.
Love people.
Have good oral and written communication skills.
Have be a person of persistence, creativity, flexibility, and adaptability.
Possess the ability to build strong relationships with others.
Have sufficient health and energy required to meet the demands of the position.
Have compassion with the ability to not enable people’s weaknesses.
Knowledge of worship music and the basic principles of music.
Possess a high degree of spiritual sensitivity, emotional energy, and mental alertness.
The ability to handle stress associated with ministering to people who are experiencing anxiety, grief, loss, pain, stress, and suffering.
The ability to speak comfortably with groups of any size.
Desired Spiritual Gifting: Compassion, Discernment, Healing, Pastor, Perceiver, Prophet
The Family Chaplain is given the authority to create, develop, implement, and oversee a number of fully functioning ministries to serve the Kingdom Diplomats, its staff, volunteers, and all whom come to its facilities. These include children, youth, college-aged, families, unmarried adults, and seniors. The Family Chaplain will also assist the Kingdom Diplomats Pastor as needed in leading and guiding Kingdom Diplomats activities, programs, and services. The Kingdom Diplomats will only succeed when it moves forward on its knees. The Family Chaplain is an individual committed to the ways of God; compassionate about prayer; and is committed to teaching, leading, and participating in Spirit-filled Scriptural praise and worship throughout the facility and into the community.
Working Conditions Note: The position of Kingdom Diplomats Family Chaplain requires great flexibility in the hours available for work, including evenings and weekends. The Kingdom Diplomats Family Chaplain is required to have regular office hours posted each week so as to be accessible to Partners of the Diplomats and to be able to communicate with the Diplomats Staff. Being able to leap tall buildings in a single leap and stop a racing car cold are not required.
It is the policy of Never-Ending Grace Corporation and the Kingdom Diplomats that qualified individuals with disabilities are not discriminated against because of their disabilities regarding job application procedures, hiring, and other terms and conditions of employment. It is further the policy of Never-Ending Grace Corporation and the Kingdom Diplomats to provide reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities in all aspects of the employment process. Never-Ending Grace Corporation and the Kingdom Diplomats is prepared to modify or adjust the job application process or the job or work environment to make reasonable accommodations to the known physical or mental limitations of the applicant or employee to enable the applicant or employee to be considered for the position he or she desires, to perform the essential functions of the position in question, or to enjoy equal benefits and privileges of employment as are enjoyed by other similarly situated employees without disabilities, unless the accommodation will impose an undue hardship. If reasonable accommodation is needed, please contact Never-Ending Grace Corporation, PO Box 13736, Milwaukee, WI 53213, phone 414-430-5800.
The Kingdom Diplomats Family Chaplain salary will be $62,000, with adjustment for previous experience. The average salary for a family pastor in Milwaukee as of January 2023 is $41,883. The salary range in Wisconsin as of January 2023 was between $10,967 and $81,342. The Kingdom Diplomats Family Chaplain will also receive the Never-Ending Grace Corporation benefits package (see attached).